jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

A photograph I like📷

Hi everyone!

The photograph that I like is the one that shows protest against Cumbre Prosur, because represent repudiation front of the fascism that embody Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro, Juan Guaidó, Mauricio Macri y Sebastián Piñera in Latin America. Also, represent social discontented for the some groups in relation to use repression and violence against protester, despite being in a "democracy" system with freedom of expression.

The photograph was taken by Prensa Irreverente, that is a independent press that to witness and participate of instance of social mobilization, and upload the picture in your count of the Instagram, in March 22th this present year.

I like so much this photograph because I participated in the demostration and saw the intervention beside others more, besides I share politic position wich is opposed to the right conservative the Latin America and the rest of the world.

What do you think of this topic?

I remain attentive.



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