martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

My favorite piece of technology

Hi eveyone!

My laptop is my favorite piece of technology because it is useful for everything I do in my day to day. I bought it when I went to third year of univeresity, and to pay for it I had to sell food, clothes and some things. Since I bought it, I ocuppy my laptop daily, to study and do homework, to work and to entertain myself, watching videos, social networks, and other things. I like to use my laptop more than other pieces of technology because it is versatile, it has many tools with which I can create videos, images, write documents, find information, even know other parts of the world. My life would be mor difficult if I did not have my laptop, because ir facilitates many tasks of my daily life, especially to study and do the work of the university, so I take care of it so that it lasts a long time.


Resultado de imagen para laptop hp

1 comentario:

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